Source code for sample_sheet

import csv
import importlib
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings

from contextlib import ExitStack
from itertools import chain, repeat, islice
from pathlib import Path
from string import ascii_letters, digits, punctuation
from textwrap import wrap
from typing import (

from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict

try:  # pragma: no cover
    # This import works for smart_open>=1.8.1
    from smart_open import open
except ImportError as error:  # pragma: no cover
        # This import works for smart_open<1.8.1
        from smart_open import smart_open as open
    except ImportError as error:
from tabulate import tabulate
from terminaltables import SingleTable

from .util import maybe_render_markdown

__all__: List[str] = ['ReadStructure', 'Sample', 'SampleSheet']

DESIGN_HEADER: List[str] = [

REQUIRED_KEYS: List[str] = ['Sample_ID']
RECOMMENDED_KEYS: List[str] = ['Sample_ID', 'Sample_Name', 'index']
REQUIRED_SECTIONS: List[str] = ['Header', 'Settings', 'Reads', 'Data']

# The minimum column with of a detected TTY for wrapping text in CLI columns.
MIN_WIDTH: int = 10

# From the section "Character Encoding" in the Illumina format specification.
#     documents/products/technotes/
#     sequencing-sheet-format-specifications-technical-note-970-2017-004.pdf
VALID_ASCII: Set[str] = set(ascii_letters + digits + punctuation + ' \n\r')

[docs]class ReadStructure(object): """An object describing the order, number, and type of bases in a read. A read structure is a sequence of tokens in the form ``<number><operator>`` where ``<operator>`` can describe template, skip, index, or UMI bases. ========== ===================================================== Operator Description ========== ===================================================== **T** Template base (*e.g.* experimental DNA, RNA) **S** Bases to be skipped or ignored **B** Bases to be used as an index to identify the sample **M** Bases to be used as an index to identify the molecule ========== ===================================================== Args: structure: Read structure string representation. Examples: >>> rs = ReadStructure("10M141T8B") >>> rs.is_paired_end False >>> rs.has_umi True >>> rs.tokens ['10M', '141T', '8B'] Note: This class does not currently support read structures where the last operator has ambiguous length by using ``<+>`` preceding the ``<operator>``. Definitions of common read structure uses can be found at the following location: - Discussion on the topic of read structure use in ``hts-specs``: - """ _token_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+[BMST])') # operator can repeat one or more times along the entire string. _valid_pattern = re.compile(r'^{}+$'.format(_token_pattern.pattern)) _index_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+B)') _umi_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+M)') _skip_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+S)') _template_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+T)') _nonnumber_pattern = re.compile(r'\D') def __init__(self, structure: str) -> None: if not bool(self._valid_pattern.match(structure)): raise ValueError(f'Not a valid read structure: "{structure}"') self.structure = structure
[docs] def _sum_cycles_from_tokens(self, tokens: List[str]) -> int: """Sum the total number of cycles over a list of tokens.""" return sum((int(self._nonnumber_pattern.sub('', t)) for t in tokens))
@property def is_indexed(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure has sample indexes.""" return len(self._index_pattern.findall(self.structure)) > 0 @property def is_single_indexed(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure is single indexed.""" return len(self._index_pattern.findall(self.structure)) == 1 @property def is_dual_indexed(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure is dual indexed.""" return len(self._index_pattern.findall(self.structure)) == 2 @property def is_single_end(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure is single-end.""" return len(self._template_pattern.findall(self.structure)) == 1 @property def is_paired_end(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure is paired-end.""" return len(self._template_pattern.findall(self.structure)) == 2 @property def has_indexes(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure has any index operators.""" return len(self._index_pattern.findall(self.structure)) > 0 @property def has_skips(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure has any skip operators.""" return len(self._skip_pattern.findall(self.structure)) > 0 @property def has_umi(self) -> bool: """Return if this read structure has any UMI operators.""" return len(self._umi_pattern.findall(self.structure)) > 0 @property def index_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of cycles dedicated to indexes.""" return self._sum_cycles_from_tokens(self.index_tokens) @property def template_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of cycles dedicated to template.""" return sum((int(re.sub(r'\D', '', op)) for op in self.template_tokens)) @property def skip_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of cycles dedicated to skips.""" return sum((int(re.sub(r'\D', '', op)) for op in self.skip_tokens)) @property def umi_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of cycles dedicated to UMI.""" return sum((int(re.sub(r'\D', '', op)) for op in self.umi_tokens)) @property def total_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of total number of cycles in the structure.""" return sum((int(re.sub(r'\D', '', op)) for op in self.tokens)) @property def tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all tokens in the read structure.""" return self._token_pattern.findall(self.structure) @property def index_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all index tokens in the read structure.""" return self._index_pattern.findall(self.structure) @property def skip_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all skip tokens in the read structure.""" return self._skip_pattern.findall(self.structure) @property def template_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all template tokens in the read structure.""" return self._template_pattern.findall(self.structure) @property def umi_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all UMI tokens in the read structure.""" return self._umi_pattern.findall(self.structure)
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'ReadStructure': """Return a deep copy of this read structure.""" return ReadStructure(self.structure)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Read structures are equal if their string repr are equal.""" if not isinstance(other, ReadStructure): raise NotImplementedError return self.structure == other.structure def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return an executeable ``__repr__()``.""" return ( f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}(' f'structure=\'{self.structure}\')' ) def __str__(self) -> str: """Cast this object to string.""" return self.structure
[docs]class Sample(CaseInsensitiveDict): """A single sample for a sample sheet. This class is built with the keys and values in the ``"[Data]"`` section of the sample sheet. As specified by Illumina, the only required keys are: - ``"Sample_ID"`` Although this library recommends you define the following column names: - ``"Sample_ID"`` - ``"Sample_Name"`` - ``"index"`` If the key ``"Read_Structure"`` is provided then its value is promoted to the class :class:`ReadStructure` and additional functionality is enabled. Args: data: Mapping of key-value pairs describing this sample. kwargs: Key-value pairs describing this sample. Examples: >>> mapping = {"Sample_ID": "87", "Sample_Name": "3T", "index": "A"} >>> sample = Sample(mapping) >>> sample Sample({'Sample_ID': '87', 'Sample_Name': '3T', 'index': 'A'}) >>> sample = Sample({'Read_Structure': '151T'}) >>> sample.Read_Structure ReadStructure(structure='151T') """ _valid_index_key_pattern = re.compile(r'index\d?') # _valid_index_value_pattern = re.compile(r'^[ACGTN]*$|^SI-[ACGTNS]{2}-[A-H]\d+$') def __init__( self, data: Optional[Mapping] = None, **kwargs: Mapping ) -> None: super().__init__() data = {**data, **kwargs} if data is not None else kwargs self._store: Mapping self.sample_sheet: Optional[SampleSheet] = None for key, value in data.items(): # Promote a ``Read_Structure`` key to :class:`ReadStructure`. # Support case insensitivity and any amount of underscores. if key.lower().replace('_', '') == 'readstructure': value = ReadStructure(str(value)) # Check to make sure the index is valid if it is supplied. if self._valid_index_key_pattern.match(key) and not bool( self._valid_index_value_pattern.match(str(value)) ): raise ValueError(f'Not a valid index: {value}') self[key] = value if ( self.Read_Structure is not None and self.Read_Structure.is_single_indexed and self.index is None ): raise ValueError( f'If a single-indexed read structure is defined then a ' f'sample `index` must be defined also: {self}' ) elif ( self.Read_Structure is not None and self.Read_Structure.is_dual_indexed and self.index is None and self.index2 is None ): raise ValueError( f'If a dual-indexed read structure is defined then ' f'sample `index` and sample `index2` must be defined ' f'also: {self}' )
[docs] def to_json(self) -> Mapping: """Return the properties of this :class:`Sample` as JSON serializable. """ return {str(x): str(y) for x, y in self.items()}
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Samples are equal if the following attributes are equal: - ``"Sample_ID"`` - ``"Library_ID"`` - ``"Lane"`` """ if not isinstance(other, Sample): raise NotImplementedError is_equal: bool = ( self.Sample_ID == other.Sample_ID and self.Library_ID == other.Library_ID and self.Lane == other.Lane ) return is_equal def __getattr__(self, attr: Any) -> Optional[Any]: """Return ``None`` if an attribute is undefined.""" return super().get(attr) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return an executeable ``__repr__()``.""" args = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in RECOMMENDED_KEYS} args_str = args.__repr__() return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({args_str})' def __str__(self) -> str: """Cast this object to string.""" return str(self.Sample_ID) if self.Sample_ID is not None else ''
class Section(CaseInsensitiveDict): """Case insensitive dictionary for retrieval, returns ``None`` as default. """ def __init__( self, data: Optional[Mapping] = None, **kwargs: Mapping ) -> None: self._store: Mapping super().__init__(data=data, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, attr: Any) -> Optional[Any]: """Return ``None`` if an attribute is undefined.""" return super().get(attr)
[docs]class SampleSheet(object): """A representation of an Illumina sample sheet. A sample sheet document almost conform to the ``.ini`` standards, but does not, so a custom parser is needed. Sample sheets are stored in plain text with comma-seperated values and string quoting around any field which contains a comma. The sample sheet is composed of four sections, marked by a header. ================ ====================================================== Title name Description ================ ====================================================== ``[Header]`` ``.ini`` convention ``[<Other>]`` ``.ini`` convention (optional, multiple, user-defined) ``[Settings]`` ``.ini`` convention ``[Reads]`` ``.ini`` convention as a vertical array of items ``[Data]`` table with header ================ ====================================================== Args: path: Any path supported by :class:`pathlib.Path` and/or :class:`smart_open.smart_open` when `smart_open` is installed. """ _encoding: str = 'utf8' _section_header_re = re.compile(r'\[(.*)\]') _whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+') def __init__(self, path: Optional[Union[Path, str, TextIO]] = None) -> None: self.path = path self._samples: List[Sample] = [] self._sections: List[str] = [] self.Reads: List[int] = [] self.Read_Structure: Optional[ReadStructure] = None self.samples_have_index: Optional[bool] = None self.samples_have_index2: Optional[bool] = None self.Header: Section = Section() self.Settings: Section = Section() if self.path is not None: if isinstance(self.path, (str, Path)): with open(self.path, 'r') as f: self._parse(f) else: self._parse(self.path)
[docs] def add_section(self, section_name: str) -> None: """Add a section to the :class:`SampleSheet`.""" section_name = self._whitespace_re.sub('_', section_name) self._sections.append(section_name) setattr(self, section_name, Section())
@property def all_sample_keys(self) -> List[str]: """Return the unique keys of all samples in this :class:`SampleSheet`. The keys are discovered first by the order of samples and second by the order of keys upon those samples. """ all_keys: List[str] = [] for key in chain.from_iterable([sample.keys() for sample in self]): if key not in all_keys: all_keys.append(key) return all_keys @property def experimental_design(self) -> Any: """Return a markdown summary of the samples on this sample sheet. This property supports displaying rendered markdown only when running within an IPython interpreter. If we are not running in an IPython interpreter, then print out a nicely formatted ASCII table. Returns: Markdown, str: A visual table of IDs and names for all samples. """ if not self.samples: raise ValueError('No samples in sample sheet') markdown = tabulate( [[getattr(s, h, '') for h in DESIGN_HEADER] for s in self.samples], headers=DESIGN_HEADER, tablefmt='pipe', ) return maybe_render_markdown(markdown) @property def is_paired_end(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return if the samples are paired-end.""" return None if not self.Reads else len(self.Reads) == 2 @property def is_single_end(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return if the samples are single-end.""" return None if not self.Reads else len(self.Reads) == 1 @property def samples(self) -> List: """Return the samples present in this :class:`SampleSheet`.""" return self._samples def _parse(self, handle: TextIO) -> None: section_name: str = '' sample_header: Optional[List[str]] = None lines = list(csv.reader(handle, skipinitialspace=True)) for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Skip to next line if this line is empty to support formats of # sample sheets with multiple newlines as section seperators. # # # if not ''.join(line).strip(): continue # Raise exception if we encounter invalid characters. if any( character not in VALID_ASCII for character in set(''.join(line)) ): raise ValueError( f'Sample sheet contains invalid characters on line ' f'{i + 1}: {"".join(line)}' ) header_match = self._section_header_re.match(line[0]) # If we enter a section save it's name and continue to next line. if header_match: section_name, *_ = header_match.groups() if ( section_name not in self._sections and section_name not in REQUIRED_SECTIONS ): self.add_section(section_name) continue # [Reads] - vertical list of integers. if section_name == 'Reads': self.Reads.append(int(line[0])) continue # [Data] - delimited data with the first line a header. elif section_name == 'Data': if sample_header is not None: self.add_sample(Sample(dict(zip(sample_header, line)))) elif any(key == '' for key in line): raise ValueError( f'Header for [Data] section is not allowed to ' f'have empty fields: {line}' ) else: sample_header = line continue # [<Other>] - keys in first column and values in second column. elif len(line) >= 2: key, value = (line[0], line[1]) section: Section = getattr(self, section_name) section[key] = value
[docs] def add_sample(self, sample: Sample) -> None: """Add a :class:`Sample` to this :class:`SampleSheet`. All samples are validated against the first sample added to the sample sheet to ensure there are no ID collisions or incompatible read structures (if supplied). All samples are also validated against the ``"[Reads]"`` section of the sample sheet if it has been defined. The following validation is performed when adding a sample: - :class:`Read_Structure` is identical in all samples, if supplied - :class:`Read_Structure` is compatible with ``"[Reads]"``, if \ supplied - Samples on the same ``"Lane"`` cannot have the same \ ``"Sample_ID"`` and ``"Library_ID"``. - Samples cannot have the same ``"Sample_ID"`` if no ``"Lane"`` \ has been defined. - The same ``"index"`` or ``"index2"`` combination cannot exist \ per flowcell or per lane if lanes have been defined. - All samples have the same index design (``"index"``, \ ``"index2"``) per flowcell or per lane if lanes have been \ defined. Args: sample: :class:`Sample` to add to this :class:`SampleSheet`. Note: It is unclear if the Illumina specification truly allows for equivalent samples to exist on the same sample sheet. To mitigate the warnings in this library when you encounter such a case, use a code pattern like the following: >>> import warnings >>> warnings.simplefilter("ignore") >>> from sample_sheet import SampleSheet >>> SampleSheet('tests/resources/single-end-colliding-sample-ids.csv'); SampleSheet('tests/resources/single-end-colliding-sample-ids.csv') """ # Do not allow samples without Sample_ID defined. if sample.Sample_ID is None: raise ValueError('Sample must have "Sample_ID" defined.') # Set whether the samples will have ``index`` or ``index2``. if len(self.samples) == 0: self.samples_have_index = sample.index is not None self.samples_have_index2 = sample.index2 is not None if ( len(self.samples) == 0 and sample.Read_Structure is not None and self.Read_Structure is None ): # If this is the first sample added to the sample sheet then # assume the ``SampleSheet.Read_Structure`` inherits the # ``sample.Read_Structure`` only if ``SampleSheet.Read_Structure`` # has not already been defined. If ``SampleSheet.reads`` has been # defined then validate the new read_structure against it. if ( self.is_paired_end and not sample.Read_Structure.is_paired_end or self.is_single_end # noqa and not sample.Read_Structure.is_single_end ): raise ValueError( f'Sample sheet pairing has been set with ' f'Reads:"{self.Reads}" and is not compatible with sample ' f'read structure: {sample.Read_Structure}' ) # Make a copy of this samples read_structure for the sample sheet. self.Read_Structure = sample.Read_Structure.copy() # Validate this sample against the ``SampleSheet.Read_Structure`` # attribute, which can be None, to ensure they are the same. if self.Read_Structure != sample.Read_Structure: raise ValueError( f'Sample read structure ({sample.Read_Structure}) different ' f'than read structure in samplesheet ({self.Read_Structure}).' ) # Compare this sample against all those already defined to ensure none # have equal ``Sample_ID``, ``Library_ID``, and ``Lane`` attributes. # Ensure that all samples have attributes ``index``, ``index2``, or # both if they have been defined. for other in self.samples: if sample == other: message = ( f'Two equivalent samples added:' f'\n\n1): {sample.__repr__()}\n2): {other.__repr__()}\n' ) # TODO: Look into if this is truly illegal or not. warnings.warn(UserWarning(message)) if sample.index is None and self.samples_have_index: raise ValueError( f'Cannot add a sample without attribute `index` if a ' f'previous sample has `index` set: {sample})' ) if sample.index2 is None and self.samples_have_index2: raise ValueError( f'Cannot add a sample without attribute `index2` if a ' f'previous sample has `index2` set: {sample})' ) # Prevent index collisions when samples are dual-indexed if ( self.samples_have_index and self.samples_have_index2 and sample.index == other.index and sample.index2 == other.index2 and sample.Lane == other.Lane ): raise ValueError( f'Sample index combination for {sample} has already been ' f'added on this lane or flowcell: {other}' ) # Prevent index collisions when samples are single-indexed (index) if ( self.samples_have_index and not self.samples_have_index2 and sample.index == other.index and sample.Lane == other.Lane ): raise ValueError( f'First sample index for {sample} has already been ' f'added on this lane or flowcell: {other}' ) # Prevent index collisions when samples are single-indexed (index2) if ( not self.samples_have_index and self.samples_have_index2 and sample.index2 == other.index2 and sample.Lane == other.Lane ): raise ValueError( f'Second sample index for {sample} has already been ' f'added on this lane or flowcell: {other}' ) sample.sample_sheet = self self._samples.append(sample)
[docs] def add_samples(self, samples: Iterable[Sample]) -> None: """Add samples in an iterable to this :class:`SampleSheet`.""" for sample in samples: self.add_sample(sample)
[docs] def to_json(self, **kwargs: Mapping) -> str: """Write this :class:`SampleSheet` to JSON. Returns: str: The JSON dump of all entries in this sample sheet. """ content = { 'Header': dict(self.Header), 'Reads': self.Reads, 'Settings': dict(self.Settings), 'Data': [sample.to_json() for sample in self.samples], **{title: dict(getattr(self, title)) for title in self._sections}, } return json.dumps(content, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def to_picard_basecalling_params( self, directory: Union[str, Path], bam_prefix: Union[str, Path], lanes: Union[int, List[int]], ) -> None: """Writes sample and library information to a set of files for a given set of lanes. **BARCODE PARAMETERS FILES**: Store information regarding the sample index sequences, sample index names, and, optionally, the library name. These files are used by Picard's `CollectIlluminaBasecallingMetrics` and Picard's `ExtractIlluminaBarcodes`. The output tab-seperated files are formatted as: ``<directory>/barcode_params.<lane>.txt`` **LIBRARY PARAMETERS FILES**: Store information regarding the sample index sequences, sample index names, and optionally sample library and descriptions. A path to the resulting demultiplexed BAM file is also stored which is used by Picard's `IlluminaBasecallsToSam`. The output tab-seperated files are formatted as: ``<directory>/library_params.<lane>.txt`` The format of the BAM file output paths in the library parameter files are formatted as: ``<bam_prefix>/<Sample_Name>.<Sample_Library>/<Sample_Name>.<index><index2>.<lane>.bam`` Two files will be written to ``directory`` for all ``lanes`` specified. If the path to ``directory`` does not exist, it will be created. Args: directory: File path to the directory to write the parameter files. bam_prefix: Where the demultiplexed BAMs should be written. lanes: The lanes to write basecalling parameters for. """ if len(self.samples) == 0: raise ValueError('No samples in sample sheet') if not ( isinstance(lanes, int) or isinstance(lanes, (list, tuple)) and len(lanes) > 0 and all(isinstance(lane, int) for lane in lanes) ): raise ValueError(f'Lanes must be an int or list of ints: {lanes}') if len(set(len(sample.index or '') for sample in self.samples)) != 1: raise ValueError('I7 indexes have differing lengths.') if len(set(len(sample.index2 or '') for sample in self.samples)) != 1: raise ValueError('I5 indexes have differing lengths.') for attr in ('Sample_Name', 'Library_ID', 'index'): if any(getattr(sample, attr) is None for sample in self.samples): raise ValueError( 'Samples must have at least `Sample_Name`, ' '`Sample_Library`, and `index` attributes' ) # Make lanes iterable if only an int was provided. lanes = [lanes] if isinstance(lanes, int) else lanes # Resolve path to basecalling parameter files. prefix = Path(directory).expanduser().resolve() prefix.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Promote bam_prefix to Path object. bam_prefix = Path(bam_prefix).expanduser().resolve() # Both headers are one column larger if an ``index2`` attribute is # present on all samples. Use list splatting to unpack the options. barcode_header = [ *( ['barcode_sequence_1'] if not self.samples_have_index2 else ['barcode_sequence_1', 'barcode_sequence_2'] ), 'barcode_name', 'library_name', ] # TODO: Remove description if none is provided on all samples. library_header = [ *( ['BARCODE_1'] if not self.samples_have_index2 else ['BARCODE_1', 'BARCODE_2'] ), 'OUTPUT', 'SAMPLE_ALIAS', 'LIBRARY_NAME', 'DS', ] for lane in lanes: barcode_out = prefix / f'barcode_params.{lane}.txt' library_out = prefix / f'library_params.{lane}.txt' # Enter into a writing context for both library and barcode params. with ExitStack() as stack: barcode_writer = csv.writer( stack.enter_context('w')), delimiter='\t' ) library_writer = csv.writer( stack.enter_context('w')), delimiter='\t' ) barcode_writer.writerow(barcode_header) library_writer.writerow(library_header) for sample in self.samples: # The long name of a sample is a combination of the sample # ID and the sample library. long_name = '.'.join( [sample.Sample_Name, sample.Library_ID] ) # The barcode name is all sample indexes concatenated. barcode_name = sample.index + (sample.index2 or '') library_name = sample.Library_ID or '' # Assemble the path to the future BAM file. bam_file = ( bam_prefix / long_name / f'{sample.Sample_Name}.{barcode_name}.{lane}.bam' ) # Use list splatting to build the contents of the library # and barcodes parameter files. barcode_line = [ *( [sample.index] if not self.samples_have_index2 else [sample.index, sample.index2] ), barcode_name, library_name, ] library_line = [ *( [sample.index] if not self.samples_have_index2 else [sample.index, sample.index2] ), bam_file, sample.Sample_Name, sample.Library_ID, sample.Description or '', ] barcode_writer.writerow(map(str, barcode_line)) library_writer.writerow(map(str, library_line)) # Dempultiplexing relys on an umatched file so append that, # but only to the library parameters file. unmatched_file = bam_prefix / f'unmatched.{lane}.bam' library_line = [ *(['N'] if not self.samples_have_index2 else ['N', 'N']), unmatched_file, 'unmatched', 'unmatchedunmatched', '', ] library_writer.writerow(map(str, library_line))
[docs] def write(self, handle: TextIO, blank_lines: int = 1) -> None: """Write this :class:`SampleSheet` to a file-like object. Args: handle: Object to wrap by csv.writer. blank_lines: Number of blank lines to write between sections. """ if not isinstance(blank_lines, int) or blank_lines <= 0: raise ValueError('Number of blank lines must be a positive int.') writer = csv.writer(handle) csv_width: int = max([len(self.all_sample_keys), 2]) section_order = ['Header', 'Reads'] + self._sections + ['Settings'] def pad_iterable( iterable: Iterable, size: int = csv_width, padding: str = '' ) -> List[str]: return list(islice(chain(iterable, repeat(padding)), size)) def write_blank_lines( writer: Any, n: int = blank_lines, width: int = csv_width ) -> None: for i in range(n): writer.writerow(pad_iterable([], width)) for title in section_order: writer.writerow(pad_iterable([f'[{title}]'], csv_width)) section = getattr(self, title) if title == 'Reads': for read in self.Reads: writer.writerow(pad_iterable([read], csv_width)) else: for key, value in section.items(): writer.writerow(pad_iterable([key, value], csv_width)) write_blank_lines(writer) writer.writerow(pad_iterable(['[Data]'], csv_width)) writer.writerow(pad_iterable(self.all_sample_keys, csv_width)) for sample in self.samples: line = [getattr(sample, key) for key in self.all_sample_keys] writer.writerow(pad_iterable(line, csv_width))
def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of samples on this :class:`SampleSheet`.""" return len(self.samples) def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Sample, None, None]: """Iterating over a :class:`SampleSheet` will emit its samples.""" yield from self.samples def __repr__(self) -> str: """Show the constructor command to initialize this object.""" path = f'\'{self.path}\'' if self.path else 'None' return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({path})' def __str__(self) -> str: """Prints a summary representation of this :class:`SampleSheet`. If the ``__str__()`` method is called on a device that identifies as a TTY then render a TTY compatible representation. If no TTY is detected then return the invocable representation of this instance. """ try: in_terminal = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) except OSError: # pragma: no cover in_terminal = False if in_terminal: # pragma: no cover return self._repr_tty_() else: return self.__repr__()
[docs] def _repr_tty_(self) -> str: """Return a summary of this sample sheet in a TTY compatible codec.""" header_description = ['Sample_ID', 'Description'] header_samples = [ 'Sample_ID', 'Sample_Name', 'Library_ID', 'index', 'index2', ] header = SingleTable([], 'Header') setting = SingleTable([], 'Settings') sample_main = SingleTable([header_samples], 'Identifiers') sample_desc = SingleTable([header_description], 'Descriptions') # All key:value pairs found in the [Header] section. max_header_width = max(MIN_WIDTH, sample_desc.column_max_width(-1)) for key in self.Header.keys(): if 'Description' in key: value = '\n'.join( wrap(getattr(self.Header, key), max_header_width) ) else: value = getattr(self.Header, key) header.table_data.append([key, value]) # All key:value pairs found in the [Settings] and [Reads] sections. for key in self.Settings.keys(): setting.table_data.append((key, getattr(self.Settings, key) or '')) setting.table_data.append(('Reads', ', '.join(map(str, self.Reads)))) # Descriptions are wrapped to the allowable space remaining. description_width = max(MIN_WIDTH, sample_desc.column_max_width(-1)) for sample in self.samples: # Add all key:value pairs for this sample sample_main.table_data.append( [getattr(sample, title) or '' for title in header_samples] ) # Wrap and add the sample descrption sample_desc.table_data.append( ( sample.Sample_ID, '\n'.join( wrap(sample.Description or '', description_width) ), ) ) # These tables do not have horizontal headers so remove the frame. header.inner_heading_row_border = False setting.inner_heading_row_border = False table = '\n'.join( [header.table, setting.table, sample_main.table, sample_desc.table] ) return table